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2016-08-03 Flickrocket adds Virtual Reality Support

We are very happy to announce the immediate availability of VR video support in FlickRocket. As of now, you can upload both standard and 3D VR video using the updated FlickRocket Content Tools.

Customers can consume the content with FluxPlayer under iOS and Android using either dedicated VR headsets or regular phones with Cardboards.

  • Determine device capabilities and automatically deliver best experience
  • Supports 4k and HD video delivery in standard and 3D formats
  • Accepts input formats from HD to higher than 4K
  • Supports iOS and Android devices with standard Flux Player
  • Content is downloaded to avoid streaming bitrate limitations of high quality streams
  • Content under full DRM protection at any time during playback and delivery

With this new release you can upload and sell virtually any VR content just like any other product in your FlickRocket shop.

If you have any questions, contact your partner or email us at support@flickrocket.com.