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You can sell a group or bundle of products as a single product. This is called a Collection in FlickRocket.

Creating a Collection

To create a Collection, go to Products>All Products and click the New Product button. Then choose Collection as the Product Type. You should set the collection up just as you would any other product. There will be a Product Assignment section on the page where you can add the products that should be included in the collection.

The collection will be sold at the price set on the collection and the license assigned to the collection will be used for all products in that collection. In other words, you cannot have the eBook in a collection have a permanent access licenses while the videos have a rental license.

If you do not want to sell the products in the collection separately, you can set the individual products to Do not make available at this time. For third-party shopping carts, just do not make the individual products active in the channel. It is possible to sync your products to a third-party shopping cart before the products have been uploaded and processed, so you should confirm the uploads are completed and the products are ready before making them active.

Note… your customer will still receive each product just if they had purchased each separately. It just makes it very easy for them to select and purchase a single item and allows you to set a single, eventually discounted, price.

When purchasing as a "Gift" or quantities greater than 1, the customer is provided a single unlock code that will unlock all products in the coilection to the redeeming account. You can set the collection to provide separate codes fior each product in the collection by enabling Generate individual codes per product instead of combined code for all products in the collection in the Advanced Options section when editing the Collection.

Quick Steps - Creating a Collection

  1. Choose Product>All Products
  2. Click on the New Product button
  3. Select Collection from the Product type drop-down
  4. Enter the Name and the Public Name and add a description
  5. Add the desired products in the Product assignment section and click Save.
  6. Configure the License Assignment section and other product settings as any other product and Save.